The Club held our monthly meeting and dinner at Flying Ace Brewery on St. Patick’s Day. The 30th anniversary of the founding of the Lovettsville-Waterford Ruritans was celebrated with a plaque from Ruritan National President Glen Broadwater recognizing the anniversary. Club President Chuck Hedges presented the commemorating plaque to founding members Johnny and Dennis.
Pack 962 Den leader Callie was the guest speaker this month and she give us an update of all the happenings with the Pack. The L-W Ruritans are the charter sponsors of Pack 962. The kitchen at Flying Ace was up and running and everyone enjoyed the Smashburger with all the toppings. Marylou made a beautiful cake to celebrate the anniversary. If you want to know more about what we do for the community, come join us for dinner at our monthly meeting. Email [email protected] , we meet the 3rd Thursday of every month.