Not every student wants to attend a four year college or university immediately. This Scholarship is for the dreamers, the inventors, the entrepreneurs, and independent thinkers. Do you want a career in the beauty industry? Starting a landscaping business? Want to work on diesel engines or become a welder? The Entrepreneurial Grant is for you.
The Buddy Williams Entrepreneurial Grant will be awarded to a student who has started a business/is starting a business and needs an investment of capital either to pay for technical training, licensing, needed equipment or supplies. You should include a very basic plan describing the following:
1. What is your idea and why do you want to spend time doing it?
2. How does your idea meet a need or solve a problem for customers?
3. Why do you believe your idea will make money?
4. What skills, talents, and education do you have or want to obtain to make your plan a reality?
5. What financial assistance is available to you and how will you use the scholarship?
We may interview each candidate for this scholarship to provide guidance and help define short term and long term goals.